
What the internet tells us about web3 adoption

The growth of the web3 industry is being held back. The barrier of knowledge for developers and users is too high. DropChain solves the problem

Nathaniel Thoreson

May 10, 2023

A new evolution of the internet is incoming. A future that's decentralized, open, and secure. Today, the internet is controlled by a few tech behemoths. They store the world's data in "the cloud" - an elegant way of describing centralized servers in the basements of Palo Alto office buildings. Web3 promises to overthrow the system in favor of a future where the network is owned by all.

In this article, we'll explore how quickly people are adopting web3 along with its obstacles and the solutions to overcome them.

Web3 Adoption vs. the Internet

In 1993 the world wide web made its public debut when the first internet browser and editor were released. Suddenly, international barriers to communication were lowered. The WWW was quickly and rightly identified as a revolutionary technology... for nerds. The internet remained a niche technology for the better part of a decade. Not until 1998 did the internet's adoption accelerate. By 2001, eight years after its public launch, 50% of Americans were connected online.

It's 1998, baby!

Today, web3's adoption is eerily similar to that of its centralized predecessor. Take a look at the image posted by Twitter user @TheCryptoLark showing the near-identical user adoption of the two technologies.

To the untrained eye, the similarities might seem random. But you, my friend, know better! By analyzing history, we can see the future.

Source: @TheCryptoLark on

What does history tell us about the growth of web3?

Venture Capital

The World Wide Web: Venture capital firms capitalized on the hype by pumping billions of internet startups. Even though the bubble burst in 2001, the headlines captured users' imaginations. Soon, over half the population was using the technology.

Web3: Today VCs are just beginning to capitalize on the hype. In 2021, roughly $33 Billion was invested in web3 startups. That number is expected to have nearly doubled by the end of 2022.

Improving the way we live and work

The World Wide Web: In the early days, the number of internet companies that made an actionable difference in the lives of their users was limited. By 2001, many startups reached product-market fit and legitimately improved the way we live and work. Google (1998) made the world searchable. Napster (1999) revolutionized file sharing and music. Myspace (2003) connected us to our friends.

Web3: Ever since Bitcoin's launch in 2009, blockchain technology has mainly been applied to financial markets. That trend continues today with innovation coming in the form of Defi (Decentralized Finance). However, startup founders and enterprise companies are finding new ways to apply web3 to everyday life.

Nifgen, a DropChain partner company, for example, is using the power of web3 to connect content creators with their audience.

Ease of Creation

The World Wide Web: Building products on the early iterations of the internet was highly challenging for most users. Creating even a simple landing page in the mid-90s required a deep understanding of HTML and CSS. Today low-code and no-code solutions like WordPress, Webflow, and SquareSpace deliver the same result in minutes.

Web3: This is where our history books reveal blank pages yet to be written. Today, building web3 products is still prohibitively difficult for both builders and users.

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Web3's Adoption Problem

Building web3 apps is hard

Combining a valuable user experience with the complexities of web3 is a daunting task. Developers not only have to face the already grueling challenge of creating beautiful products for their users, but they also need to learn an entirely new set of skills.

Even if you're an experienced developer building traditional apps, breaking into web3 remains an incredible challenge. Smart contract creation, tokenomics, security, game theory, key management... the list goes on. For most, the barrier to entry is far too high.

The web3 industry is expected to reach $6 Trillion in 2023. The demand-driven growth will be dependent, though, on the number of developers capable of building such products. Unfortunately, we're already well behind. 

Using web3 is hard

For the vast majority of the population, Zoomers and Millennials included, using web3 apps is too complicated. Key management, wallet onboarding, transacting signing, governance, gas fees, etc. Most people still roll their eyes when crypto comes up in conversation. Do you think they'll take the time to understand the complexities of web3? I think not.

These barriers to entry for developers of apps and their users have stymied web3's growth. If we want web3 to become as widespread as the internet, we need to simplify the onboarding process for both groups.

That's the challenge the team at DropChain has decided to take on.

The Future of Building Web3 Apps

DropChain is a web3 development toolkit that simplifies the web3 experience for developers of web3 apps and their users. DropChain's suite of features was specifically designed to accelerate the web3 revolution. Those features have enabled 30,000+ app users to seamlessly onboard into web3.

DropChain API

The DropChain API allows developers to easily add web3 functionality to their traditional web2 applications. Even with no web3 coding experience, web2 developers can use into DropChain's 13 endpoints using JSON payloads to tap into prebuilt smart contracts.

With DropChain, developers can reduce their time to market by 90%. Focus on what you excel at: building beautiful and impactful apps. DropChain will take care of the rest.

DropChain Single Sign On

As we already know, using web3 apps is a challenge for most. Onboarding into new apps should be the easy part for the user. Instead, it's a major roadblock for users.

DropChain simplifies the process using methods that are already familiar to the user. Instead of connecting a wallet or manually signing a transaction, DropChain allows users to sign into all of DropChain's partner apps with email/password or OAuth methods.

Using the DropChain single sign-on, users can easily take their assets to any DropChain partner app - just like signing into web2 services with Google or Facebook.

DropChain Library (Coming Soon)

Web3 developers have skills that are highly uncommon and in high demand. We believe that those developers should have the chance to capitalize on that skill.

In 2023, web3 developers can add their smart contracts to the DropChain library and monetize their code. Other developers can use that code within their apps.

TLDR - History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Just like the internet in the '90s, web3 is taking the world by storm. We're still in the early days of decentralized technology. But, with history as our guide, we can peer into the future.

Web3 is moving fast but growth has been stymied by a lack of user-friendly infrastructure. For web3 apps to be adopted by the masses, they must be easy to build and effortless to use.

DropChain is on a mission to solve that problem. With the DropChain API and SSO, developers can create beautiful apps and useable apps without requiring any web3-specific knowledge.

If you have any questions about web3 development, we highly recommend you join the DropChain Discord server and follow us on Twitter.

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